On Tuesday 18th July 2023, the Admin and HR department organized a comprehensive training session on “Workplace Diversity and Inclusion” aimed at promoting cultural understanding and improving communication across diverse backgrounds. The training, conducted by Mr. Fuwad Bashir, a well-experienced and renowned Trainer from SZABIST, focused on equipping employees with essential soft skills necessary to embrace diversity and create an inclusive work environment. The session incorporated a variety of interactive activities, including the “River of Fire” exercise for trust building, the “Brainstorming Activity” to enhance creativity and problem-solving skills, and the “Note Writing Activity” to encourage collaboration and active participation. The participants were actively engaged throughout the training and gained valuable insights into the importance of acknowledging and celebrating differences to promote harmony and productivity within the workplace. The “Workplace Diversity and Inclusion” training undoubtedly empowered the employees to respect one another’s perspectives and to work together as a team, as MPL whole strive towards the company goal; Success Together Fun Together.